Software by Doug McMartin All Products Contact Me
Software Products by Doug McMartin
GedReporter GedcomDB PDFScribe

  Genealogy Software
GedReporter    Freeware

A tool for generating reports and web sites from genealogy databases. A scripting language similar to Visual Basic allows for complete customization.


  Developer Libraries
GedcomDB    Shareware

An ActiveX server (DLL) that allows importing of genealogy GEDCOM databases. Access all standard records in the database through any language that supports Automation, such as VB, Delphi, VBScript, C++, etc.

PDFScribe    Shareware

An ActiveX server (DLL) that allows for easy creation of Adobe Acrobat (PDF) files. Create reports and charts of any style and any paper size. Can be used in any language that supports Automation, such as VB, Delphi, VBScript, C++, etc.


Copyright © 1997-2008 Douglas McMartin.